Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Thin Red Line....

Anything can be done for friendship. Anything can be done for love. People do absurd things for both.

Friends go to the very extents, the very ends of the world to help each other. So do people in love. But when a guy and a girl are "just good friends" and when they go great distances to help each other- does it mean they are still "just good friends" or are they in love? That question can never be answered.

People always say, a guy and a girl can never be "just good friends". Provokes me to say- social stigma or just another dogma promoted by the society. Can a girl and guy be just friends- certainly yes. It can happen. Relationships are evolved on basis of sheer proximity. If a person starts to distance themselves from their friend, the relationship slowly dies out. However, it does not involve physical distance. Friends or even lovers separated by thousands of miles still can maintain their relationship, thanks to the advent of the internet, iphone, and whatnots. It's all about emotional proximity.

There's just a very fine, thin, red line, imaginary of course, which marks the boundary between friendship and love between a girl and a guy. This line gets breached only when one mistakes the others feelings for them. More often than not it does happen.

With Valentine's day approaching, I am quite sure a lot of people would like to profess their love to the girl/guy who's on their mind. It could even be their best friend. Who knows? Well, best friends falling in love is not rare, but the relationship between best friends can never be the same if one proposes and the other happens to reject. Such people rarely tend to remain friends forever.

People who are going to propose to that "one" on Valentine's day- please take care. You may either get yourself killed by jumping excitedly or by a broken heart. Whatever it is- life must go on.

I know whatever I said will be termed as bullshit and I probably might be burnt at stake for blasphemy. Alright. I'll end my bullshit with this.


  1. So finally what are u arriving at.... Can a gal and guy be friends or not... answer for the question pls :P

  2. I think a guy and a gal can remain good friends.. like any other relationship, this needs concentrated effort from both sides...
    But nowadays, people wanna be seen with a guy/gal... and so it has become highly fashionable to propose to someone so as to look cool in front of others.. maybe that's why these relationships don't last...
    By the way.. this is Swathi.. I have not created an account yet...
