Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Stupid Common Man...

Ah.. yes. That's all of us. Not you netas, ministers, MLAs, MPs, bureaucrats and party chiefs. It's us- The Stupid Common People of India. It's us, who have to bear the brunt of price rices due to the artificial inflation that all you idiots have created for your own selfish ends.

Imagine, a kilo of onions costing an ABSURD Rs. 60-70 per kilo? Fuel prices going up every 2 weeks? Such things are unheard of even in countries poorer than India. If prices go up so high, only people who have ammassed (Pun- very much intended), so much of wealth that at least 10 more generations of their family need not bother about working, can only afford even the luxury of a sambhar cooked with onions.

Well, not to mention media coverage for this issue, which is as of today on the front page of a newspaper. Tomorrow, this news will be obscure and will obviously be out of peoples minds and our great babus and netas, will once again hatch plots to make money for themselves.

This is a vicious cycle isn't it? People have to slog their asses off, pay taxes (if not entirely honestly), at least people do pay taxes. These people are us- common people- IT company employees, BPO employees, Government employees, small time business people, growing companies. Where does all the money go? Oh, yes, it goes all the way to keep Ajmal Kasab and rapists alive.

The value of a common man's life in India is worse than shit. A minister's daughter is held hostage, the entire universe gets into action to rescue her. A common man's daughter is kidnapped, raped and killed, the police hardly even takes notice of it. The perpetrator? At most times, the son or a relative of a politician or a politician himself.

A minister swindles a nation of crores of money and roams happily in his Benz car, while a common thief, who would have stolen not more than 100 Rs, is beaten up mercilessly and later sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. So, as far as we are concerned, the greater the magnitude of the crime, the lesser the punishment.A corrupt and illiterate minister can get away with a multi crore Rupee scam, while a government employee of the lowest order gets kicked for asking for a cup of tea as a bribe.

In India, lives are lost when ambulances are held up in traffic jams, which have been created due to the passing of a ministerial convoy through that route. A life of a common man is lost and the minister won't even know about it and even in the rarest of events, if he does get to hear about it, he will feel no remorse.

When will all this end? The largest democracy in the world has no respect for the people who make it. SHAME.


  1. enjoyed the writing style karthik - well done!

  2. good presentation and comment on the present situation

  3. Good one!Apt one!

  4. Good and powerful thoughts
