Friday, February 12, 2010

That time of the year..

It's that time of the year again when people (read- couples) start fretting about meeting in public- Thanks to our dear old Ram Sene and their associates. Since I am now stuck up in one god forsaken piece of land, where my only access to Indian news is via the internet (Sigh- How much I miss the newsprint of The Hindu, The Times of India and The Indian Express). I wonder what's the new threat from the "moral police".

Anyways, apart from the annual threats by the "moral police", it is at this time of the year that many people choose to express their love all around the world. But seriously, why do we need a special day every year to express one's love? Feb14th? Why only on that date? Love someone- say it then and there. Just don't wait for the day.

Life is very short guys, just make sure you don't make it feel even shorter by waiting for a day when people all over the world express their love. One fine day guys, the girl you love might just turn up with a wedding invitation (as shown in so many many of our Indian movies- and call you- "Anna/Bhai please come for my wedding.") Just don't wait till then.

Well, I was reading this lovely nice book called 2 States by Chetan Bhagat (Highly recommended by all of my friends who read it). Really- one story that truly summarizes the state of Love marriages in India. Apparently, Mr. Bhagat's own life story, but yes-it rocked, to say the least. The back cover of the book reads "Love marriages around the world are pretty simple. Boy loves Girl, Girl loves Boy; They get married. However, love marriages in India have a few more steps. Boy loves Girl, Girl loves Boy, Boy's family has to love Girl. Girl's family has to love Boy. Boy's family must love Girl's family and Girl's family has to love Boy's family. If they still love each other, they get married." Really....

So, why is there this great hullabuloo about love marriages in conservative Indian societies? Basically- it's like parents' spoon feed us right from the very day that we are born, and hence they would expect us to marry the person that they see for us. It's the way it has been all these years and suddenly when their little kid (little kid- as old as 25-27 years old) comes and tells them that "I love so and so and I want to marry only that person." It comes as a huge shock to the parents. Pretty natural, considering our very own conservative upbringing. Finally after heavy shelling, firing, water-firing (read- tears) between parents and children, a decision would be reached. If the families are liberal enough, things would go through smoothly, otherwise..... long way to go....

And, yes people, it's also at this time of the year that some hearts get broken and some hearts leave their original resting place to go fly off somewhere, with another person's heart.

Win a heart- you rock. Heart break?- Never mind, Life has to go on boss...


  1. hmm, cant expect you to say anything else since its your age , yet thoughts are awesome.

    True that we are conservative but its also true that you feel secure & comfort in such conservative upbringing, it pays .....

  2. no denying the stupidity of 'moral policing' if that indeed is happening on any significant scale but chetan bhagat is an ignorant & simplistic idiot/bigot with some assbackward ideas

  3. Chetan bhagat missed a lot of things in his book. its more complicated. in another 50 years, may be somebody would write, "why should everyone go in search of love, cant parents find one? "
