Finally, landed up in this dumb place called buffalo (aka ERUMAI). Its a very small town, literally the size of Nungambakkam, T.Nagar and West Mambalam put together. That's d size of it.
Anyways, down to business- its been a over a month since I landed up here. It s nt really my kind of a place. Very small, very quiet. Not much ofactivity round here- except the univ though.
The univ- SUNY buffalo, fondlyknown as UB- well- its a nice cool place.
A huge campus- known as the north campus (That s where all my classes are). Lots of activity only in this part of buffalo, really. and one thing I noticed here was that I got to see a lot of Indian and Chinese faces rather than a lot of American faces. Anyways.
After getting all that used to just going downstairs to buy anything I need, walking more than half a kilometer to get even a chocolate seems.. ugh.. really. And after having lived on 2 of possibly the most busiest roads in Chennai, staying in a very quiet street in a very sleepy town doesnt appeal a lot to me. I do miss Chennai really, despite all the negatives that it may have, Chennai is home.
Hmmm.. food- yes- mum, if you are reading this, I miss that vathakozhambu a lot, though we made an attempt to make it, it doesn't come out that well. Im just yearning for some proper Indian food(at a very cheap rate). Anyways, we do have good food(by our standards of cooking though- which is by no means- abysmal)- Thank god. Ofcourse- Pizza's good and cheap by all means, so we do have pizza on a regular basis.
Transport- Guys- I'm sure whoever knows me only reads this blog, so Im sure you still remember how I look. I'm still the same size.lol. We have quite a distance to walk everyday, and that gives us enough to burn whatever we eat. We walk from home to the south campus, which is near home, catch the shuttle to north campus. For every place other than north campus- there s the bus (namma ooru ptc- athey than) and trains (to go to the main city- never been there yet). The buses are never crowded- cos everyone has atleast 1 car here. I guess the trains should look similiar to the ones shown in the movies here.
Entertainment- best entertainment- sleep. Well there s the downtown buffalo that one can go to for timepass, lots of shopping can be done at walmart, boulevard mall, etc. and there s a mokka theater called amherst here, that hardly anyone goes to. Most people at Buffalo tend to stay at home and relax rather than roam around. Damn- I miss Satyam, Pondy Bazar, etc.
Cimate- This place is really freaky with the climate. It was warm and sunny this morning( uncharectaristically) and its started raining when I started for classes. There's this line about Buffalo-"Don't like the weather? Come back in 5 minutes."
Biggest attraction- Obviously- Need I say anything at all. Common Knowledge. Niagara. Well, Buffalo's economy thrives on 2 things- UB and Niagara.
My opinion about Buffalo- Sucks, that too after coming from a big city like Chennai. But UB rocks absolutely.
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